Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Here is the link to a list of what Murdoch owns.

To see it ALL - Do - Page Down - 22 TIMES.

Ken Jarvis - LVKen7@Gmail.com Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Who is Responsible for Global Financial Failure?

There is ONLY one Person with the REACH to Block the Recovery.
ALL we have heard for him for 3 years is BAD BAD BAD

Propaganda TRUTH - Tell the same Lie over and Over and OVer, and MOST people will believe it.

The WSJ is No longer a Financial Paper, it is NOW THE VOICE OF THE GOP.

Ken Jarvis - LVKen7@Gmail.com Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter