Monday, June 20, 2011

John Stewart says this about FOX NEWS - 
“a biased organization relentlessly promoting an ideological agenda under the rubric of being a news organization.”
a relentless agenda driven 24 hour news opinion propaganda delivery system”
Murdoch is the owner of Fox and the WSJ. - Mark - This is the LONGEST RUNNING RECESSION IN AMERICAN History.
The reason is Murdoch’s 24/7 BAD BAD BAD Spin.

Ken Jarvis - Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter

Friday, June 17, 2011

FBook Post

HOW the WSJ BS reports - "Ten congressmen, including Republicans and Democrats, sued Obama yesterday, claiming he improperly bypassed Congress 
in his military offensive against Libya, AP reports."
"in his military offensive against Libya"
He is Letting the UN Handle this situation. It is NOT HIS - Military Offensive.

Just another PERFECT EXAMPLE of Murdochs GOP BAD BAD BAD Spin on what Obama Does. 
It should have been on the Editorial Page.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

GOOD NEWS - Obama RAIDS illegals

GOOD NEWS - Obama RAIDS illegals
Score Card - So far this year -
2,338 Employer audits were done.
157 Criminal Arrest of Employers.
$7.1 MILLION Fines have been levied.
262,282 illegals DEPORTED.
WSJ - Page 1 - “The Obama Administration has made employers the center of its enforcement strategy, because jobs are the magnet for illegal immigration.”
eVerify is the LAW of the LAND.

Chamber of commerce - “is concerned”.  But ONLY if they are Anti-Worker.
Some have - “knowingly” been hiring illegals.

Parolees and probationers might fill farm jobs - Gov of Georgia.

Ken Jarvis - Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

“GOP Want to Eliminate Medicare to Give Tax Breaks to Millionaires.”

Ken Jarvis - Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter
WHY? Murdoch has already picked - Pawlenty.
"Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann said at a CNN debate that she has filed paperwork to enter the presidential race and that she plans to make a formal announcement of her candidacy "soon.""

Ken Jarvis - Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mr. Murdoch - Tear Down this WALL!!!

Ken Jarvis - Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter
EPA give $$$ to Battery Companies -
by 2015 America will control 40% of Battery Business.

WSJ editorial today - Shut down EPA.
I guess the
WSJ doesn’t want America to be the World leader in Batteries. Wonder WHY?

Ken Jarvis - Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter
From the Motley Fool - Stuff you will NOT see in the WSJ.
“The inside scoop
Here's one tidbit that really caught my ear:
Before the 2009 recovery act, the U.S. produced 2% of the world's advanced batteries. We're now aiming for 40% [by 2015].
The Department of Energy is providing loans, grants, and matching funds for advanced battery research and 30 manufacturing plants. 
Ford  (NYSE: F) , General Motors, Johnson Controls, and A123  (Nasdaq: AONE )  are among the most recognizable names taking advantage of the program, which will help automakers meet tougher fuel-efficiency standards. Hey, why should foreign producers likeAdvanced Battery Technologies  (Nasdaq: ABAT )  and China BAK Battery  (Nasdaq: CBAK )  get all the glory?

Ken Jarvis - Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chris Wallace's FOX News Show today
the FIRST guest - was Tim Pawlenty. 
It is OVER - Murdoch has spoken - Pawlenty vs Obama.
ALL $$$ spent on the Prez Race is WASTED. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Charlie Rose asked - What can we do RIGHT NOW to start a recovery?
His constant Drum beat of - Doom and Gloom, for over 2 years has finally convinced people, that there is nothing that can be done.
Therefore, it is Imperative for people to Realize that MURDOCH IS THE PROBLEM.
As soon as they realize that - the Market will come back
and employment will begin to come back

Ken Jarvis - 
Author of - The Most POWERFUL Person, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. On Facebook - On Twitter

Friday, June 3, 2011

I ask for - What has Obama Done Wrong, and Dave replied - Thanks Dave.

Dave wrote: "Extension of failed bush era tax cuts,
*** You are correct.
naming SEVERAL failed bush era members to his cabinet, continuing AND EXPANDING bush era middle east wars,
*** Correct - We are still in Iraq, and Afghan,

====his failed bank bailouts,
*** Correct - The Banks PROMISED TO HELP FIX THINGS,
with home loans, and business loans.
But they HAVE NOT.

his efforts have been LAUGHABLE to fix a broken economy,
DONT EVEN get me started on job creation,

*** Correct.
Until there are More Jobs things won’t be back to Normal.

Gitmo, -
*** Correct - Still Open.
Just to name a few. Now you can come back with all you white house talking points and bullshit excuses. GRANTED elected him over McShitstain was the ONLY choice but GOD DAMMIT Im sick and tired of voting for the better of the worst candidates. Thats why 2012 is VITAL to the future of America. The republican candidates are a joke and the ONLY hope is for a Dem to challenge W.bama. Otherwise we're looking at 16 years of 21st century turmoil suffering under bush and W.bama" u
*** Murdoch has already picked Pawletty,
I doubt he can beat Obama.
The REASON Murdoch gets Blamed for the Recent DOWN is,
for over 2 years it has been - IT IS BAD, AND IT WILL NEVER GET ANY BETTER.
He does that is World Wide Editions of the WSJ.
Some still think of the WSJ as a Financial Paper, it is NOT, it is the VOICE of the GOP.